In accordance with 0IP 31, 0VIX Protocol has now become part of Keom Protocol
Unsupported Network
0vix currently supports Polygon PoS and Polygon zkEVM
0.00% APY
Your Borrowed
How much of this asset you have supplied.
0 undefined
Annualized Percentage Yield you willreceive on borrowing this asset.
Wallet Balance
How much of this asset you have in your wallet.
Borrow Balance
The total amount you have borrowed, across all assets.
Borrow Limit Used
How much of your borrow limit you have used across all assets, based on your current collateral.This is a key indicator of your overall account health.
Liquidation Threshold
Collateral factor at which your loan becomes unhealthy.
% of Supply Borrowed
How much of the total supply isborrowed in the protocol.
Enable as Collateral
Each asset used as collateral increases your borrowing limit. Be careful, this can subject the asset to being seized in liquidation.